Saturday, March 7, 2009

So I found an article on that claims the movie Slumdog Millionaire has grossed over 217 million dollar. It earned 12 million dollars the weekend after it conquered the academy awards. Thats pretty impressive for an indie film. you can read the whole article at...

Monday, March 2, 2009

stolen cell phones

I read an article on that reports that the most common cell phone stolen is a side kick. the article continues to state that "thieves target Sidekicks because of their urban hipness quotient, and because they're easy to resell." The article also states that Boston police reported more than 300 sidekicks stolen in 2008 alone. It also makes reference to a site called where for a small fee you can register you cell phone or other electronic devise such as GPS incase it is ever stolen they can help you relocate your devices. Also according to "An estimated 600,000 cell phones will be reported lost or stolen this year"....and "Some victims report having received bills for more than $25,000 after their phone was stolen." So my advice to you is if your phone is ever lost or stolen get it shut off immediately to avoid a costly bill.

guest speaker

One thing I wondered if the guest speaker researched any was who people acted/participated in online communiction after that had participated in a face-to-face focus group.
She had at one point stated that some of the people who were invloved in one of the focus groups were so engrossed in their discussion topic that they had continued to converse after the focus group had finish. So I would imagine that the group members would have continued their conversations via the internet. She also explained how people in face-to-face interactions are more polite than people who are communicating virtually. So that is why I was wondering if the people who had previously had a physical face-to-face interaction are more polite the eachother in a virtual setting that people who haven't had face-to-face interactions with that people that they are communicating with?